101 goals in 1001 days

I like the above photo for a number of reasons.  He looks aggressive, but he was just sunning on a rock near the sea.  It’s a bit of a picture of how I want to approach this list: aggressively, but enjoy it too!

101 things in 1001 days

This is an idea I have seen in several blogs.  Many starting in 2009.  I like the idea.  I have lots of  things I want to get to ‘someday,’ and this gives me a not-too-scary time frame in which to do them.

So this is the idea: choose 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days (around 2.75 years).  Make the goals well defined and do-able.  Or at least probably do-able!  Some of my goals are quite a stretch for me. 

I am going to keep in mind that failing is part of the process, and part of why 1001 days sounds so good.  If I fail at something today, I have time to go at it again.

I have left my list in a random order.  I’ll make notes on the items I finish as I finish them.

Here is my list, begun on February 26, 2013 to be completed by November 23, 2015:

1. Camp at the beach

2. Camp by a river or stream

3. Can beets – planted 4-4-13, eaten by grasshoppers two weeks later!  Try again next year.

4. Swim 30 times each summer (just opened the pool! 4-13)

5. Raise a pair of pigs with or for friends

6. Lose 100 pounds – working on this, failing at this, working on this, failing at this, working on this!

7. Fix a deer viewing area

8. Spend a day hiking

9. Pick apples

10. Make blackberry jam

11. Keep a blog – doing this

12. Send treats to our neighbor 4x a year

13. X Organize egg sharing – done 3-13

14. Trade massages once a month – doing this

15. Get the storage shelves built in my ‘cave’

16. Find the papers that designate who will keep our kids if they’re orphaned

17. Make a living will

18. Make a stuff will

19. Write 7 letters to people to tell them how they have impacted me

20. Write 7 letters of thanks to people

21. Hang curtains in my bedroom

22. Make a headboard

23. X –  Have someone paint my bedroom – Done 5-13

24. Hang pictures/decorate my bedroom

25. X – Plan my son’s graduation table – Done 5-13, went well

26. Take his senior pictures – have plans, need time and a sunny day

27. Read 2 books with Chip and talk them over

28. Plan a time for a new cruise

29. Paint a rug on the cement in the pool area – have some ideas.

30. Make a barn quilt and hang it – have them finished, need sealed

31. Clean out our current bird houses, done for 2013

32. Make 6 new or repaired bird houses, easy to clean – Made 3 new 5-13

33. Help a specific friend 3 hours a month – 33x – doing this

34. Plan a summer of home parties/invites such as pool, paintball, flashlight tag, BBQ

35. Talk with Steve re music lessons ideas for church kids  – recorder, flute, piano, group

36. Run a Wednesday night supper/teaching class during summer about college – not needed 2013

37. Run a writing/literature class summer 2013 – Change this to anytime!

38. Walk around the property 30x

39. Take a family field trip once a month – 33x – doing this. March ski trip

40. Plant an herb garden – have planted basil, thyme, sage, parsley seeds indoors

41. X Plant a potato patch – planted!

42. X Make a composting plan – have plan

43. X Make compost bins, get sources for material – finished 4-2-13

44. Finish level 3 in Rosetta Stone German – working on this

45. Play the Pan Flute in church for offertory

46. Push the refrigerator back to where the washer/dryer used to be

47. Make a new way to hook the screen curtains on the side porch – Velcro, waiting to stain boards

48. Send a care package to each of the college students in March – 3x

49. X  Learn how to set up a blog – done!

50. Live through 6 money-free weekends

51. Get into the bees 6 times

52. Plan a driving trip to either Yellowstone, or the Grand Canyon

53. Write up a plan to sell our honey

54. Take a family picnic on our property

55. Take a family picnic off our property

56. Run snacks for VBS in 2013

57. Set up a summer schedule for/with the kids

58. Invite someone/family to supper once a month – 33x

59. X Learn a new braid – a waterfall/ladder one, learning Dutch braid too

60. X Learn a new up-do – accomplished 4-2-13, french twist held with a chopstick

61. Do another college seminar for parents

62. Teach Lincoln – Douglas debate if 2 or more kids are interested

63. Go to a NCFCA tournament

64. Purchase a piece of clothing that won’t be named here!

65. Make and fire a piece of pottery

66. X Get Clayton a book on metal working Done! Backyard Blacksmith

67. Take my son to a DPT open house

68. Take my son to UNCC open house

69. Write a song using my son’s Magix Music Maker

70. Have a tea party

71. Host a Pumpkins and Pancakes in October – 3x

72. Learn one dance, a broadway one

73. Paint a mural on a wall – working on this

74. Remove paint-in-the-wrong-places in the kid’s bathroom – done over the sink

75. Make a way to play music in the Living Room – talking w Chip

76. Wash the leaves of the indoor plants, nearly finished with this

77. Set up the Orchids and tree on the side porch during the summer, did this, but it got cold again!

78. Set up a mirror in my room

79. Wash light fixtures in the house, started on this

80. X Set up the shed for gardening – working on this, looks good and is usable, done 4-13

81. Get a nice chair for our bedroom

82. Make up a guest basket

83. Organize guest sheets, pillowcases with the blow up mattresses

84. X Paint shed floor – finished 4-13

85. Paint/fix yellow wagon for gardening

86.  Plant a million Sunflowers in the field, not field.  Chip bush hogs.  Around edges.

87.  Sleep on the side porch

89.  Make a headboard for our bed

90.  Hang new doors on potting shed

91. Add to this list

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