Monthly Archives: March 2013

Body connection

The gist of the weight loss path I have chosen is this:  Connect with your body.  Sounds odd, doesn’t it.  Listening to what my body really needs.  Realizing when it is truly full.  This is hard work for those of us who have tuned out our body’s messages in favor of  our emotions, or the visual cues … Continue reading »

Categories: 101 goals, Goal #6 | Leave a comment

Making Compost

One of the 101 goals I have is to make compost.  I like feeling like I am taking part in the circle of life when I work to keep my chickens happy and healthy, when I take care of what I eat.  (Eggs)  So dumping empty egg shells in trash headed for a static landfill is a small scale … Continue reading »

Categories: 101 goals, Gardening | Leave a comment

Potato Patch

We got the potatoes in!  We picked up seed potatoes in a very small town in an even smaller hardware store.  But it catered to gardeners with inexpensive seed potatoes that grow well in this area.  We passed it on the way home from purchasing a third, fourth, sixth, or twelvth-hand sprayer for the tractor.  (It needs … Continue reading »

Categories: 101 goals, Gardening | Leave a comment

Birthday fun

I just had another birthday.  Sigh.  Not that it’s a bad thing, but while getting older has it’s perks, it has it’s downsides.  Like everything hurts a little bit more in the morning.  Like injuries take longer to heal.  Like even if I toned and weighed way too little, I will never look even 39 … Continue reading »

Categories: Gardening, General | Leave a comment

How are the other 101 goals coming along?

The 101 goals in 1001 days has been a wonderful idea.  (See the ‘101 goals’ page if you want more information on what this is.)  I now have permission to do some things that have been rattling around in my head for a long time.  The tyranny of the urgent, you know.  Cooking, home schooling, … Continue reading »

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Goal #6 update and If I’m So Smart

If I’m So Smart, Why Can’t I lose Weight, by Brooke Castillo  This book has been so helpful.  I am continuing to learn the hunger scale, and my reactions to it.  What’s a hunger scale?  It’s a scale from -10 (starving) to +10 (so stuffed I feel sick).  The goal is to eat when I … Continue reading »

Categories: 101 goals, Goal #6 | Leave a comment

Pecking chicks

If this had been my first batch of chicks, I would never have raised chicks again!  The pecking has been horrid.  I watched and found that two chicks were the main culprits. Separating them from the rest of the chicks was a pain – they still need the heat lamp.  But it worked.  The rest … Continue reading »

Categories: Farm animals | Leave a comment

Picture updates

  The barn quilts are coming along!    The chicks at 3 weeks.   Rooster Spring bulbs under the roses!   Midnight Daffodil, a spider’s home

Categories: 101 goals, Farm animals, Gardening, General | Leave a comment

Slowing down for a bit

Posts may be slim for the next few weeks.  I’m typing challanged with a cast covering my thumb.  Healing time for a ligament.  Then fast forward six weeks and repeat on the other hand for a ligiment that did NOT heal.  But after that I should be up and running with two strong opposable digits! The chicks are … Continue reading »

Categories: 101 goals, Farm animals, General | Leave a comment

101 goals

Today I got to prime and paint the background color on two 4×4 pieces of plywood for the barn quilts.  We thought it would be fun to make a quilt square for each of our outdoor buildings.  One 4×4′ for our small barn, one 4×4′ for over the stalls, one 2×2′ for the gardening shed, and … Continue reading »

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