The 101 goals in 1001 days has been a wonderful idea. (See the ‘101 goals’ page if you want more information on what this is.) I now have permission to do some things that have been rattling around in my head for a long time. The tyranny of the urgent, you know. Cooking, home schooling, laundry, errands. Those never stop. But having a list of things I want to accomplish somehow ups their priority and I get to work them in. I have completed a few and I have prepped many more!
The barn quilts are painted. Now I am waiting until it warms up a little bit so I can paint four coats of varnish on every surface. Definitely an outside job!
Canning beets. This is a long process. One I like very much! First plant, then harvest, clean, prepare, then can. I have a garden bed ready, I have the seeds. Just waiting for April 15th, the usual cut off for the last frost.
I have organized our ‘egg sharing.’ My goal is to consistently keep a few families in eggs, and rotate other families in as we have extras.
I have done a bit research on painting cement. The general advice is: don’t. There are far more articles about how to get peeling paint off cement than there are articles on how to get the paint on to cement. It seems that painted cement, at least in a non-protected area, needs care each year. Touching up the paint, and sealing it again. I still want to try it. Though I am going to do a smaller area than I originally planned.
I like both of these rugs. I’d like to do the blocks in blues and greens, the rug will be in our pool area. The other is just fun! Although near the pool we get small rocks and dirt far more often than we get leaves, so I’ll use those instead.
My potting shed is looking a little bit more like . . .a potting shed. My husband spent a morning cleaning out non gardening tools. Thank you, Chip! I cleared off the work bench and gathered gloves and tools into their places. It’s a nice place to be.
Some of my goals are a bit hard. I have found it difficult to write letters to people who have impacted my life. Thank you letters are much easier. I think the monthly field trip is going to be a challenge. We hang out together, but we don’t usually go out and do stuff together. I’m thinking museums. Not really. I wouldn’t get the buy in I need!! Other goals are ones I have been putting off. I don’t really want to do them, I just want them done!
But that is what the list is for! Do I want to get to the end of 3 years still needing/wanting to do these things? No. That’s why I love this concept of 101 goals in 1001 days. The time frame is not too scary, and I do better when I can work on something over and over, a little at a time. Especially on the things I’m avoiding!