I just had another birthday. Sigh. Not that it’s a bad thing, but while getting older has it’s perks, it has it’s downsides. Like everything hurts a little bit more in the morning. Like injuries take longer to heal. Like even if I toned and weighed way too little, I will never look even 39 again!
The birthday DAY was great, though! Starting with a free birthday coffee at Starbucks, then an Egg McMuffin. (Junk food/fast food has been off the list since December when Chip was laid off!) Then a trip to Lowe’s for the treat of choosing plants and window boxes for the railings on our front porch.
I got to spend the afternoon in the potting shed planting the window boxes. I divided the Day Lilies and the other grass type plants. Meaning I cut them at the base into two or three sections, and planted each section. Bonus plants! Plus I had extras and planted several pots to put on the front cement area. (I need a better name for that area!)