Spring, compost bins, goal #6

Posted by on April 2, 2013

Blossoms from our Bradford Pear

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I am a winter person.  I do not like to be hot, and I get hot easily.  But the joy of spring is impossible to resist!  Being outside in shirt sleeves, seeing new blooms each day, sitting in front of the chicken coop and watching the happy chicks explore their new world.  Seeing new plants emerging and remembering, “Oh yeah! I remeber planting something there last year!”  The Knock Out roses are filling in with leaves.  The laying hens are loving all the new greenery to eat!

That last bothers me a little bit.  They are mostly eating the clover patches that need to be weeded out anyway, but I am very much wondering how to plant a vegetable garden and have it survive!  We used raised beds before we relandscaped the front, and the hens pretty much stayed out of them.  We’ll see!

The compost bins are built!  A shout out to my husband and son!  I’ll post some pictures.  They used pallats, nails, and bailing wire – and I partially filled one already.  I’m so excited!  There are specific ratios of dry to green ingredients for successful composting, and I need to read up on those.  Today I mixed wood chips with our kitchen scraps and grass cuttings.  I don’t think the wood chips will actually be fully composted at the end, they’re a little large, but I do think they will work well as dry ingredients. 

pink flowers

These are English Daisies from my birthday gift.  They encourage me with their beauty, and I feel the need for encouragement. 

This last week has been hard.  Several things going on sapped my energy and attention, and I decided to eat what I wanted, and how I wanted.  Actually, I decided I did not want to pay attention to what I ate and how I ate.  Which meant I ate until I was past full, and I ate things I didn’t really want, like lots of sweets.  I do not feel good about that.  Neither the decisions, nor how my body feels today.  I did learn a couple of things, which may offer some redemption!  One:  I really felt terrible when I overate.  I felt listless, my stomach felt too full,  I just didn’t feel good.  Two:  I take acid reducers, and I had been wondering if I could stop taking them.  I had not been feeling the reflux, probably due to eating smaller meals.  Well!  I am sure now!  Eating too much = heart burn 24/7.  Even today, two days after my last overeat, I am still experiencing heart burn.  Amazing.  Three:  Eating past full was not as fun as I remembered it.  It wasn’t really fun at all.  I kept at it, thinking it would be fun, that the bites would fulfill something, or feel really good.  Not even the dessert was fun.  Eating too much was not fun.  The results of eating too much were even more not fun.  So, I am choosing to pay attention, to journal the hunger scale at meals and snacks, and to keep going with the 100 Days and If I’m So Smart.

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