Some updates on the 101 goals in 1001 days: This is still proving to be a great tool! Getting things finished that have been on the Someday List is so rewarding.
Today we fixed some of the major floor squeaks. These were in the floor when we moved in. Eight years ago. That Someday List! The difference in the floor is huge. We no longer avoid certain areas, no longer alert the whole house when we get into the pantry! And because it’s quieter, it feels more solid. Of course, it took work to get thesqueaks fixed. I started the project by watching YouTube videos, purchasing wedges and gathering the tools. Then the guys started to take over and I hollered that it was my project. After spending about 20 minutes on the ladder, with my head in the cobwebs under the joists, I graciously decided they could take over and I would be the squeaker person. Meaning I was the person moving the squeaks so they could be found, wedged, and liquid nailed. I got in my exercise dancing, stepping, jogging, and swaying in place on those squeaks!
Goal #6 – I’m so not perfect at this. Probably I needed to get the Hunger Scale down before I kept reading in the book. So I’m not doing very well with that. Most of the time I just forget to pay attention. The great, really great thing is that I am MUCH more aware of choosing to eat when I really want something. Or, on the flip side, not eating something if I don’t really want it. So I often eat less than I used to.
What I got started on was exercise! Me! In Brooke Castillo’s book (see my page Goal #6) she challenges her readers to view exercise as a gift to your body. Something to give it, instead of something to make it do in order to get from it. Plus, she discourages us from using exercise as a weight loss tool. Sometimes weight loss happens from exercise, and sometimes not. So exercise as a gift, without thought of return. Kind of odd, huh? Turning exercise on it’s head like that. But I tried it, and for me, it’s an awesome tool. Walking with freedom, feeling how my body moves, instead of the ‘work harder, are you walking right?, are you working hard enough?’ mantras. And turning exercise into something I love to do. Not going for a walk to exercise. Instead, going the long way down the hill to get a tool. Walking on the garden paths to get to the barn. Gardening. Weeding. Painting. Dancing on squeaks! All things I enjoy, all things I have before avoided.
The potatoes came up! So the plastic we put on during the cold spell worked well.
The beets are coming up very sparsely. I’ll give them another week, and probably re-plant.
Here are the two barn quilts. I still need to seal them.Both are 4×4 on thin plywood. The top one is called the Eastern Star, the one to the right/bottom is a variation.
The Eastern Star is going on our barn, and the other one is going over the hay loft.
I started on a wall mural today. But I decided to draw it on thin plywood, so I’m not sure it counts! It’s going in our bathroom, where we have no window. So I took a picture of what we would see if we did have a window, and then painted that on the plywood. Actually I used pastels, not paint. I think I want more detail in it, so it’s not finished. It’s about 4’x2 1/2′.
I did get the potting shed in merry order. I like it a lot. Lots of room, and it’s MINE! Well, I do share. The hens are in it often, looking in the corners. I put hay into a round tub and tucked it behind my chair to see if they were looking for a place to lay, and they were! Today one hen stood in the middle of the floor for an hour complaining as another hen was in the nest laying! Wait your turn, ladies! The chicken coop has six nest boxes. Must be the novelty.
Let me know if you decide to try the 101 goals in 1001 days!