This blog may turn out to be mostly about facing and dealing with weight issues for the next 1,000 days. With some gardening, farming, and cooking thrown in! We’ll see.
So here’s the latest on goal #6. I have started on the ‘If I’m so Smart’ book, and the first issue she addresses is paying attention to your body’s hunger/fullness messages. A hunger scale is the way to do this. Pay attention and don’t get too hungry, pay attention and don’t get too full. That doesn’t sound very hard! Ha! I remember now! It IS hard. Paying attention is hard. Stopping eating on purpose is hard.
That being said, my goal for today and the next few days is to: 1. Pay attention, 2. Differentiate between physical hunger and wanting to eat for other reasons, 3. Eat when I’m hungry and keep within the hunger scale boundaries (-2 through +2 on a scale of -10 through +10), and 4. Write down what I am learning, the emotions/issues I feel when it’s not real hunger, what all the numbers on the hunger scale feel like to ME so I can identify them better. – That sounds like a list that could take me 5 years to really get down!! Hopefully not. Hopefully less than 1,000 days, and hopefully I’ll learn a lot in the next 3 or 4 days. I’m not going to move on in the book until Monday.
New Subject: All the chicks have made it so far! Once we ordered chicks via mail, and we lost nearly half of them in the first 24 hours. That was rough. (It had taken them an extra day for them to reach the post office, that may be why. Meyer’s Hatchery said loosing that many was not the norm. ) We have gotten chicks from Tractor Supply before and have not lost any. That extra 2 or 3 days growth make a huge difference.
Tala, our English Shepherd, watching the chicks.
I let her get close to the chicks last night to see what she wants with them. (I have seen what a Husky wanted to do with my chicks, so I was careful.) She just sniffed and licked. And one chick thought the dog would make a great new mama! Fuzzy, warm, and brown. Apparently Tala met all the qualifications!