101 goals
How are the other 101 goals coming along?
The 101 goals in 1001 days has been a wonderful idea. (See the ‘101 goals’ page if you want more information on what this is.) I now have permission to do some things that have been rattling around in my head for a long time. The tyranny of the urgent, you know. Cooking, home schooling, … Continue reading
Goal #6 update and If I’m So Smart
If I’m So Smart, Why Can’t I lose Weight, by Brooke Castillo This book has been so helpful. I am continuing to learn the hunger scale, and my reactions to it. What’s a hunger scale? It’s a scale from -10 (starving) to +10 (so stuffed I feel sick). The goal is to eat when I … Continue reading
Picture updates
The barn quilts are coming along! The chicks at 3 weeks. Rooster Spring bulbs under the roses! Midnight Daffodil, a spider’s home
Slowing down for a bit
Posts may be slim for the next few weeks. I’m typing challanged with a cast covering my thumb. Healing time for a ligament. Then fast forward six weeks and repeat on the other hand for a ligiment that did NOT heal. But after that I should be up and running with two strong opposable digits! The chicks are … Continue reading
101 goals
Today I got to prime and paint the background color on two 4×4 pieces of plywood for the barn quilts. We thought it would be fun to make a quilt square for each of our outdoor buildings. One 4×4′ for our small barn, one 4×4′ for over the stalls, one 2×2′ for the gardening shed, and … Continue reading
The chicks are doing well without the light from the window. No one is eating anyone’s tail feathers, and no one is bleeding. We are all happier! I will probably un-curtain the window it in a couple of days and see how they do, though they seem quite happy with just the light from the heat … Continue reading
Oh yeah, I remember!
This blog may turn out to be mostly about facing and dealing with weight issues for the next 1,000 days. With some gardening, farming, and cooking thrown in! We’ll see. So here’s the latest on goal #6. I have started on the ‘If I’m so Smart’ book, and the first issue she addresses is paying attention to your … Continue reading
New chicks and goal #6
We got new chicks today! 10 of them from Tractor Supply. And I learned that ‘pullet’ means a young hen. (I thought it had something to do with meat chickens.) We got a mixture of breeds, 5 brown egg layers and 5 white egg layers. We have them in the old washer/dryer room which is small … Continue reading