

Some updates on the 101 goals in 1001 days:  This is still proving to be a great tool!  Getting things finished that have been on the Someday List is so rewarding. Today we fixed some of the major floor squeaks.  These were in the floor when we moved in.  Eight years ago.  That Someday List!  … Continue reading »

Categories: 101 goals, Farm animals, Gardening, General, Goal #6 | Leave a comment

Spring Time!


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Spring, compost bins, goal #6

Blossoms from our Bradford Pear Daffodils   I am a winter person.  I do not like to be hot, and I get hot easily.  But the joy of spring is impossible to resist!  Being outside in shirt sleeves, seeing new blooms each day, sitting in front of the chicken coop and watching the happy chicks explore … Continue reading »

Categories: 101 goals, Gardening, General, Goal #6 | Leave a comment

Birthday fun

I just had another birthday.  Sigh.  Not that it’s a bad thing, but while getting older has it’s perks, it has it’s downsides.  Like everything hurts a little bit more in the morning.  Like injuries take longer to heal.  Like even if I toned and weighed way too little, I will never look even 39 … Continue reading »

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Picture updates

  The barn quilts are coming along!    The chicks at 3 weeks.   Rooster Spring bulbs under the roses!   Midnight Daffodil, a spider’s home

Categories: 101 goals, Farm animals, Gardening, General | Leave a comment

Slowing down for a bit

Posts may be slim for the next few weeks.  I’m typing challanged with a cast covering my thumb.  Healing time for a ligament.  Then fast forward six weeks and repeat on the other hand for a ligiment that did NOT heal.  But after that I should be up and running with two strong opposable digits! The chicks are … Continue reading »

Categories: 101 goals, Farm animals, General | Leave a comment

Why blog?

I read other people’s blogs when I come across them.  Most often when I am searching for something like a recipe, homeschool ideas, or information on farm animals.  Some I enjoy, some drive me crazy.  But they all share some of their lives, and I get to benefit. So, I think I’d like to share.  Share some things I have … Continue reading »

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