Goal #6
Chicken Coop fixed
My poor chickens! We moved the chicks into the big hen house, hoping that having a rooster would help the ‘pick off’ rate. (We think the Redtail hawks were getting the hens. They have a new family.) And then a very persistent brazen racoon found several new ways into the coop. Arrgh!! So we lost … Continue reading
Not a Polly Anna time
Paying attention to the hunger scale is not happening. I do periodically remember that I want to “do that.” How am I going to get going again? My current choices have brought and kept me here for a long time. I surely don’t want to be where I am 2+ years from now. Weight wise at least. … Continue reading
101 goals
It’s been a while since I have posted. (How many blogs, I wonder, have begun with this sentence!) I lost focus for a while. The lose weight goal has gone by the side, checking my list has been forgotten, the barn quilts are still in the living room waiting to be sealed. But life has been … Continue reading
Headed in the right direction
Goal #6, losing weight, is the hardest of my 101 goals. Obviously I choose to eat as I do for a reason, and bucking that takes a lot of energy. In my last post I said that I have not been using the Hunger Scale very much, and that is still true. I also said … Continue reading
Some updates on the 101 goals in 1001 days: This is still proving to be a great tool! Getting things finished that have been on the Someday List is so rewarding. Today we fixed some of the major floor squeaks. These were in the floor when we moved in. Eight years ago. That Someday List! … Continue reading
May Day, May Day!
In the last post I intimated that I was having a bit of a hard time choosing to pay attention to what I ate the week before Easter. That’s true. This last week I was all for getting back on track and paying attention to the hunger scale and journaling my meals. Which I did … Continue reading
Spring, compost bins, goal #6
Blossoms from our Bradford Pear Daffodils I am a winter person. I do not like to be hot, and I get hot easily. But the joy of spring is impossible to resist! Being outside in shirt sleeves, seeing new blooms each day, sitting in front of the chicken coop and watching the happy chicks explore … Continue reading
Body connection
The gist of the weight loss path I have chosen is this: Connect with your body. Sounds odd, doesn’t it. Listening to what my body really needs. Realizing when it is truly full. This is hard work for those of us who have tuned out our body’s messages in favor of our emotions, or the visual cues … Continue reading
Goal #6 update and If I’m So Smart
If I’m So Smart, Why Can’t I lose Weight, by Brooke Castillo This book has been so helpful. I am continuing to learn the hunger scale, and my reactions to it. What’s a hunger scale? It’s a scale from -10 (starving) to +10 (so stuffed I feel sick). The goal is to eat when I … Continue reading