My poor chickens! We moved the chicks into the big hen house, hoping that having a rooster would help the ‘pick off’ rate. (We think the Redtail hawks were getting the hens. They have a new family.) And then a very persistent brazen racoon found several new ways into the coop. Arrgh!! So we lost the new rooster, and a few more hens, but the coop is now apparently coon proof. We haven’t lost any for a couple of weeks now. ‘Taking care’ of that coon is on the list.
The younger hens have started laying. Their eggs are small and the shells are quite thick. One small egg had a double yolk. Another had a solid shell except for a hole near the top. Kind of funny, the process of getting the egg production going.
Using the Hunger Scale is getting a bit easier. I am at least hopeful again. And I am extremely pleased that keeping the idea in mind has helped me. I have maintained my weight over the last two months or so. Such a relief. I didn’t even want to weigh. So I am still on the path to my goal #6, loosing 100lbs by November 2015. Woo Hoo! And the goal to move forward is to get back to using the Hunger Scale actively each day, and to begin journaling the scale when I eat.
I also have a new fitness goal. We are taking a ten day American History fieldtrip in December which will include a lot of walking. Probably more walking than I can currently do without hurting myself. So I started a walking program with the goal of working up to a five hour hike/walk by the end of November. I am starting small, eight to fifteen minutes a day. Random. And adding more time each week, with a long walk on Saturday. The hardest part has been finding a consistent time to walk. Mornings? I have my favorite routines. Afternoons? Too hot. Evenings? Too inconsistent. Lol! Yesterday I finally decided to move one of my morning routines (puttzing – randomly cleaning and taking care of things that are just piling up) to late evening. I am going to walk in the morning in place of puttzing.