101 goals

Today I got to prime and paint the background color on two 4×4 pieces of plywood for the barn quilts.  We thought it would be fun to make a quilt square for each of our outdoor buildings.  One 4×4′ for our small barn, one 4×4′ for over the stalls, one 2×2′ for the gardening shed, and one smaller for the chicken coop.  I chose a pattern from the many pictures of barn quilts on the internet.  (That is a fun search.  There are some beautiful photos of barns.  I’m partial to barns!  Especially red ones.)  I chose partly for the names, and partly for the shapes.  The Eastern Star (to the right, on someone else’s barn) is simple, and I like it.  I’ll probably go a little brown in blue and reds, with a yellow background. 

This disign to the left is called the Summer Star.  We’ll keep the background yellow, and use the same blue and red as the barn’s quilt.  The green and the center? I don’t know yet!  This one is going over the stalls and we will see it out our front window.


I am thinking of combining the hen from this one.



With the border of this one for the front of the chicken coop.








The little chicks are doing very well.  Still in the reddish glow of the heat lamp.  When I open the door, with all the light, it seems to spur on a pecking-at-tail-feathers spree.  Maybe they’re doing it with the door closed too!  But they’re not bleeding, so not too much is happening!  They’re very cute.  Scratching in the shavings like mature hens, challanging each other to fights.  Pecking at the black marks on the walls, running around like crazy.  They are so active!  I really enjoy their sounds, especially the quiet trill that signals they are warm and happy.

And as far as goal #6, I am learning.  A lot.  Mostly I’m understanding how little I listen to what my body needs and wants to eat.  I do a lot of non-hunger eating.  So the current goal is to use that hunger scale, and pay attention to what kind of ‘hunger’ I am responding to.  Did I say that before? I think this step in the process will take a long time!  996 days left to get it!   


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The chicks are doing well without the light from the window.  No one is eating anyone’s tail feathers, and no one is bleeding.  We are all happier!   I will probably un-curtain the window it in a couple of days and see how they do, though they seem quite happy with just the light from the heat lamp.  They are eating more than I thought 10 chicks could.  And already their wings are changing from fuzzy to pretty feathers.  So quickly!

Today I decided to ‘Do What I Want To Do.’  It was fun.  Ignoring the kitchen and laundry, I just worked on my 101 goals.  That was satisfying.  Four of them got some good attention, and I laid groundwork for a couple more.  I got wood to paint a barn quilt, and we chose a pattern. Also, I learned that using very fine steel wool to clean paint off of laminate is good.  Using fine steel wool to clean paint off of a metal electric plate cover is bad.  It’s bad if the outlet is live, anyway.  Big arc.  Steel wool catches on fire.  Who knew?

I’m still working with goal #6.  Going from estatic that this tact seems to be working for me, to dispair that I can’t possibly do this!  I am using the hunger scale, which – interestingly enough – I undershoot as well as overshoot.   The activities in 100 Days have been thought provoking, and I have been journaling my responses.  This is good!  My hope is that laying this groundwork will bring me success.

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Chicks are mean

I loved watching and hearing the chicks for nearly forty eight hours.  Then the stress kicked in.  Crazy chicks.  They can, and this time did, start to peck at each other.  In this case they chose three of the lighter chicks, and worked on pulling out their tail feathers.  Which made them bleed a little.  And ALL chickens, when they see blood, keep pecking at the blood.  (We used to have this stuff that looked like tar to put on a chicken if it got injured.  It worked.)  I can’t really separate them, they are so small, they still need to be kept at about ninety degrees, which means: close to the heat lamp.  And I can’t leave them in with the others, they’ll be pecked to death.  An old tub might work, and actually did.  Close enough to the heat lamp to heat through the tub’s walls, and enough space to live until the sores heal a bit.  But then those three began to peck at each other.  I know, I know, ALL chickens . . .

So it’s dark in the room now.  Just the glow of the red heat lamp.  The ones on the outside of the tub seem to have stopped eating tail feathers.  In the tub, it is very dark so they can’t see the blood.  Crazy chicks!

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Oh yeah, I remember!

This blog may turn out to be mostly about facing and dealing with weight issues for the next 1,000 days.  With some gardening, farming, and cooking thrown in!  We’ll see. 

So here’s the latest on goal #6.  I have started on  the ‘If I’m so Smart’ book, and the first issue she addresses is paying attention to your body’s hunger/fullness messages.  A hunger scale is the way to do this.  Pay attention and don’t get too hungry, pay attention and don’t get too full.  That doesn’t sound very hard!  Ha!  I remember now!  It IS hard.  Paying attention is hard.  Stopping eating on purpose is hard. 

That being said, my goal for today and the next few days is to: 1. Pay attention, 2. Differentiate between physical hunger and wanting to eat for other reasons, 3. Eat when I’m hungry and keep within the hunger scale boundaries (-2 through +2 on a scale of -10 through +10), and 4. Write down what I am learning, the emotions/issues I feel when it’s not real hunger, what all the numbers on the hunger scale feel like to ME so I can identify them better.  – That sounds like a list that could take me 5 years to really get down!!  Hopefully not.  Hopefully less than 1,000 days, and hopefully I’ll learn a lot in the next 3 or 4 days.  I’m not going to move on in the book until Monday.

New Subject:  All the chicks have made it so far!  Once we ordered chicks via mail, and we lost nearly half of them in the first 24 hours.  That was rough.  (It had taken them an extra day for them to reach the post office, that may be why.  Meyer’s Hatchery said loosing that many was not the norm. ) We have gotten chicks from Tractor Supply before and have not lost any.  That extra 2 or 3 days growth make a huge difference.

Our dog, Tala, watching the chicks.

Tala, our English Shepherd, watching the chicks.

I let her get close to the chicks last night to see what she wants with them. (I have seen what a Husky wanted to do with my chicks, so I was careful.)  She just sniffed and licked.  And one chick thought the dog would make a great new mama!  Fuzzy, warm, and brown.  Apparently Tala met all the qualifications!

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New chicks and goal #6

Our Chicks in a box

Our Chicks in a box

We got new chicks today!  10 of them from Tractor Supply.  And I learned that ‘pullet’ means a young hen. (I thought it had something to do with meat chickens.)  We got a mixture of breeds, 5 brown egg layers and 5 white egg layers.

We have them in the old washer/dryer room which is small and has a door so they can stay warm.  After putting a sheet on the floor and topping it with two bales of pine chipsand hanging the heat lamp in the corner all that’s left is the food and water on something firm so they don’t kick in too many pine chips.  I’m looking forward to hearing them cheep!  Having them in the house is fun – for a while.  They make so much dust!  Our farm collie (English Shepherd) is so very interested in them.  She comes over to watch them everytime we open the door.  She tries to herd the adult chickens, so maybe that’s what she wants to do with these chicks!  Not in the house!

On to goal #6 – which for me is loosing weight.  I want to lay down my current plan.  I have struggled with my weight all of my adult life.  Which is part of why my target weight (which I am not sharing here!) is still high according to the charts.  Reasonable is good!  Like most who struggle with overweight issues, diets haven’t had a lasting effect for me, so that’s not the direction I am going to take. 

Commitment Number One: I have read _I Can Make You Thin_ by Paul McKenna. His premises are great, they just take work! Very simplified: Eat when you’re hungry.  He offers tools for recognizing hunger, etc.  This addresses one of my biggest diet struggles, feeling deprived and panicing.  Eating when I’m hungry is comforting and do-able.  I can do that!  The work is knowing when I am hungry, and stopping when I’m not.  Going through McKenna’s book and working with his ideas is commitment Number One. 

Commitment Number Two: Work on the other side of the hunger issue – eating when I’m not hungry.  Many of us have issues with using food to feel better, I’m right in there with that battle.  So I have chosen a highly rated book _If I am so Smart, Why Can’t I loose Weight? Tools to Get it Done!_ by Brooke Castillo.  I’ll let you know how the book works.  She addresses the WHY of eating for non-hunger reasons. She coaches: face the emotional issues that cause the problem in the first place.  This should be a painful book!  There is a lot of writing and introspection to do.  I haven’t read it yet, so I don’t know about the tools she offers, but the questions I scanned through seem to be good. Commitment Number Two is to face some of the issues that I usually avoid through “If I’m so Smart.”

By the way, both of these books are on Amazon for not too much $.

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Why blog?

I read other people’s blogs when I come across them.  Most often when I am searching for something like a recipe, homeschool ideas, or information on farm animals.  Some I enjoy, some drive me crazy.  But they all share some of their lives, and I get to benefit.

So, I think I’d like to share.  Share some things I have learned, some things I enjoy, and some challenges I have.  It might be fun to blog. 

I’d also like to join in one of the blogger movements – 101 things in 1001 days.  Make a list of 101 things I would like to accomplish in the next 1001 days.  Definite, do-oable, stretching goals.  Look for my list, make your own, and let’s do this together!

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