If this had been my first batch of chicks, I would never have raised chicks again! The pecking has been horrid. I watched and found that two chicks were the main culprits. Separating them from the rest of the chicks was a pain – they still need the heat lamp. But it worked. The rest of the group pecks at a normal rate. No blood drawn. After a few days, I re-integrated the two pickers but they went right back at it. Separated them again for a couple of days, re-integrated again, same problem. So I surfed. I know the basics: any discomfort from heat, cold, food, water, space, light can cause pecking. None of those should be issues. Then I read a number of posts that said there are some chicks/hens that just peck. No solution. Our last batch of chicks had one chick like that. As a full grown hen, she didn’t change. I was almost relieved when a predator got her. She didn’t do substantial damage, just constantly pecked at the other hens. But these two chicks were crazy intent on pecking and pulling out feathers. Keeping them separate for the rest of their lives is not an option. Neither is having them live in dim light forever. So today I decided to get rid of them. Now we have eight chicks, and a whole lot less stress for me and the rest of the chicks. Sad decision. though.