
Posted by on March 2, 2013

The chicks are doing well without the light from the window.  No one is eating anyone’s tail feathers, and no one is bleeding.  We are all happier!   I will probably un-curtain the window it in a couple of days and see how they do, though they seem quite happy with just the light from the heat lamp.  They are eating more than I thought 10 chicks could.  And already their wings are changing from fuzzy to pretty feathers.  So quickly!

Today I decided to ‘Do What I Want To Do.’  It was fun.  Ignoring the kitchen and laundry, I just worked on my 101 goals.  That was satisfying.  Four of them got some good attention, and I laid groundwork for a couple more.  I got wood to paint a barn quilt, and we chose a pattern. Also, I learned that using very fine steel wool to clean paint off of laminate is good.  Using fine steel wool to clean paint off of a metal electric plate cover is bad.  It’s bad if the outlet is live, anyway.  Big arc.  Steel wool catches on fire.  Who knew?

I’m still working with goal #6.  Going from estatic that this tact seems to be working for me, to dispair that I can’t possibly do this!  I am using the hunger scale, which – interestingly enough – I undershoot as well as overshoot.   The activities in 100 Days have been thought provoking, and I have been journaling my responses.  This is good!  My hope is that laying this groundwork will bring me success.

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